Welcome to my Mary J. Johnson Education Consulting website! I am an education consultant working primarily in support of a Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources grant to Metropolitan State University of Denver.
When I began teaching high school French in rural Iowa nearly fifty years ago, I never dreamed that my path would lead me to teaching jobs in France, Germany, and Colorado and eventually into the field of school librarianship. I ended my full-time teaching career as Library Media Specialist and Technology Coordinator at Eagleview Middle School in Colorado Springs in 2005.
Today I work as an education consultant on a grant project of the Library of Congress Education Outreach Department. My professional interests include teaching with primary sources, student centered inquiry, questioning skills, and literacy. I have written three books, published many articles, authored the Primary Source Librarian blog (currently on hiatus), and presented too many primary source workshops to count!
I've been married for forty-five years to artist Roger Hayden Johnson. Our son is a web developer in Denver, and our daughter is an artist in Los Angeles and Rome. I enjoy twice yearly trips to Europe, speaking foreign languages (French, German, Italian, and Spanish), hiking in the mountains, and reading.