Author / Blogger / Educational Consultant
Library of Congress American Memory Fellow
Primary Source Teaching Expert
Welcome to my Mary J. Johnson Education Consulting website! I am an education consultant working primarily in support of a Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources grant to Metropolitan State University of Denver. My responsibilities include:
Coordinating the TPS Teachers Network, an 8000-member professional social media platform designed to host and facilitate community conversations, connections, and collaborations that focus on using Library of Congress primary sources to improve student learning.
Training and overseeing a cadre of fourteen TPS Teachers Network mentors who actively participate in the TPS Teachers Network in support of all users.
Working with the TPS Teachers Network administrative team to plan, approve, develop, test, and implement technical enhancements to the TPS Teachers Network.
Supporting thirty member institutions of the TPS Consortium, as well as regional grantees, as they incorporate the TPS Teachers Network into their programs.